Professional Certification in Project Management (PCPM - Certified Professional in Project Management) — is a professional certification program that determines a candidate's current level of managerial competence and assesses their ability to manage people and projects. It covers the basic tools and principles of project management applicable to any industry. It's a great advantage for those who need to be hired or get promoted.
Certified professionals are considered as a strong asset to any organization. They possess the capability to implement continuous improvement strategies and contribute all that is necessary for enhancing work processes. Certification is widely recognized as tangible evidence of a candidate's qualifications and the requisite competencies for a given role.
93% | HR managers say employers are more likely to give preference to certified candidates. |
92% | HR managers are certified in their field. Therefore, a person reviewing your resume would consider certification a significant advantage. |
95% | Employers require certification for certain jobs as an indicator of proof of subject matter expertise. |
76% | Employers see certification as a way to gauge a candidate's willingness to work hard and achieve their goals. |
83% | Employers agree that certified candidates advance faster than those without certification. |
Source: CompTIA HR Perception of Training and Certification Study: 2015
Preparation process is conducted using exam preparation books that provide summaries of essential management tools, techniques, and strategies. These materials are designed to not only structure knowledge but also aid in bridging any existing gaps. A diligent approach to studying these books significantly enhances the likelihood of success in the online examination.
Additionally, you will be assisted by our Artificial Intelligence Tutor, which provides explanations for complex concepts and offers support in extracting specific information you need, available 24/7.
Certification Course Includes:
The applicant must meet the following minimum requirements:
If you do not meet our formal entry requirements, but still feel you can pass the exam successfully, we may accept you. Each application will be considered on an individual basis.
Participants who successfully pass the qualifying exam can be awarded:
International Certificate titled "Certified Professional in Project Management" issued by Baltum Büroo🇪🇺 in PDF format.
The certificate complies with the standards of international accreditation centers. It does not require additional translation or verification when presented to foreign organizations.
The preparation process involves studying exam preparation books on the following topics:
The process consists of 7 steps:
For a more detailed description of the stages please contact our support center.
Отличные учебные материалы, никакой воды, за что вам огромное спасибо! Экзамен пройден, с нетерпением жду сертификат! Большое спасибо за предоставленную возможность! P.S. Советую всем, кто буде после меня не лениться и повторять всё.
Хороший качественный курс, который стоит пройти
Добрый день! Благодарю за информацию и за легкую подачу материала. Очень много полезного материала, и самое главное легко и просто подан.
Хочу подякувати за цікавий і зручний формат підготовки до єкзамену. Весь матеріал професійно викладено у формі конспектів, без води. Це допомогло навідь подивитися на бізнес-процеси підприємства з професійної сторони та покращіти його роботу. Чудовим додатком до цього є німецький сертифікат, який я з нетерпіннм чекаю! Дуже дякую!
Грамотно, быстро и по делу. Отличная возможность усилить резюме! От меня только одно предложение по доработке - добавьте чат с асессором, чтобы можно было оперативнее задавать вопросы.